Assignment of Contractual Rights and Liabilities

Assignment of Contractual Rights and Liabilities: Understanding the Basics

In a typical business transaction, contractual rights and liabilities are established between two or more parties. However, there may come a time when one party wishes to transfer its rights and obligations under the contract to another party. This is known as assignment of contractual rights and liabilities.

What is Assignment of Contractual Rights and Liabilities?

Assignment of contractual rights and liabilities refers to the process by which one party in a contract transfers its rights and obligations to another party. This can occur in a variety of situations such as when a business is sold, or when a third party is brought in to perform certain services under a contract.

It’s important to note that an assignment does not terminate the contract but rather transfers the rights and obligations of one party to another party. The other party remains bound by the existing terms and conditions of the contract.

Assignor, Assignee, and Obligor

In an assignment, there are typically three parties involved: the assignor, the assignee, and the obligor.

The assignor is the party that is transferring its rights and obligations to another party. The assignee is the party that is receiving the rights and obligations from the assignor. The obligor is the party that is obligated to fulfill the terms of the contract.

Types of Assignments

There are two types of assignments: legal and equitable.

Legal assignments involve the transfer of both the rights and obligations of the assignor to the assignee. This means that the assignee assumes all of the risks associated with the contract, including any liabilities.

Equitable assignments, on the other hand, only transfer the rights of the assignor to the assignee. The assignee does not assume any of the obligations or liabilities associated with the contract. Instead, the assignee becomes a beneficiary of the contract.

Restrictions on Assignments

Assignments are not always allowed under all contracts. In some cases, contracts may include a clause that prohibits or restricts assignments. This is often the case when the contract involves personal services or the assignment would result in a breach of contract.

If a contract contains a restriction on assignments, it’s important to consult with legal counsel to determine whether an assignment can still be made and what the next steps are.


Assignment of contractual rights and liabilities can be a complex process that requires careful consideration of the terms and conditions of the contract. Understanding the basics of assignments, including the roles of the assignor, assignee, and obligor, as well as the types of assignments and restrictions on assignments, can help ensure a smooth transfer of rights and obligations. As always, it’s important to consult with legal counsel to ensure that all legal requirements are met.

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